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  • Overview

Securing the Future in a Connected World: Emerging Threats and Innovative Solutions

Developed for members, by members, our 2025 FinCyber Today UK convenes our UK and European community members for 2 days of interactive workshops, demonstrations, discussions, and expert panels with some networking thrown in. The goal for the event is for every attendee to leave with key takeaways that they can immediately apply to protecting their firms and customers.

Join two tracks of sessions followed by a networking cocktail reception:

Track 1: Intelligence-Driven Defence Sessions in this track focus on assessing the current and future threat landscape and integrating this throughout your cyber and fraud defences. Address questions like...

  • How do defensive or risk teams use intelligence to prioritise their activities?
  • What do defensive or risk teams need from the intelligence they receive?
  • How can a threat-centric approach support our ability to counteract potential attackers?

Joint talks between intel teams and the internal stakeholders using their intelligence is encouraged!

Track 2: Preparing for the Bad Days Sessions in this track focus on policy and planning activities related to business continuity, regulatory compliance, and disaster recovery. Address questions like...

  • What can we do today to ensure resiliency after an attack?
  • How are you working with external partners to test your ability to continue operations?
  • Are new cyber and resilience regulations effective in ensuring firms are ready for that bad day?